Monday, January 25, 2010

it's really dark outside but it's the first time i've seen a sunset in a long time. i coil up near the window and close my eyes. whenever i do that, thousands of thoughts block my mind. i filter the important ones, squeezing them in right before my eyes, so i can imagine it. the steam heater has an unusual relaxing power that makes em thing of winter like i used to, when i was a kid. the itunes has selected an alternative rock radio channel that has quite good music, and then i hear our song. i am more than certain that chris de bourgh has NOTHING to do with alternative rock, but there he is, his voice muttering into the imaginary radio microphone, making my heart skip bits and stomach curl into a fire ball in ways i never thought a song could.
i look up the window and see the moon. it's cheesy and i remember being little and telling mum every once in a while the moon has changed its face. i then found out from my evil realistic brother you can only see one side of the moon, and that's how it's been for thousands of years.
so the moon displays the same face, but it's the first time i've really looked at it in a while. there's something about it that makes me think of the little prince and how he would travel from star to star. someone recently told me each star might be a planet undiscovered, not appreciated like mars or underappreciated like pluto. nothing. there's nothing we know about the sky above us and yet we pretend to have known everything for hundreds of years. that made me sign up to that astronomy class at the astronomy tower, thing my dad was asking me to do since he bought em that telescope. yeah, i have a huge telescope hidden behind the living-room door that i've only used once, when there was a full moon. then a bug landed on the lens and i couldn't see a thing.
i realized now, after reading above, that i swerve from the main subject too easily. i let a thought crumble into millions other and i start losing coherence.
my head aches and i see the paragon, so i end writing here, before i expose my theory about them paragons. oh those paragons.

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